Teeling Whiskey Dinner
Teeling Whiskey Dinner
On Friday 24th February, 2017, at AVALON Hotel & Conferences, we are delighted to announce a very special evening, when we will be holding a Teeling Whiskey Dinner, matching the very best of whiskeys from Dublin’s Teeling Whiskey Company with Irish dishes prepared by a chef from Dublin specially arrived for this occasion. It promises to be a fantastic evening for anyone who loves whiskey and great food (and fun of course!!) The Menu will comprise of 4 Courses, each course accompanied by a whiskey. You will also get to savour Dublin Storm Cocktail on arrival.
Since 1782 the Teeling Family has been crafting Irish whiskey – in that year Walter Teeling set up a craft distillery on Marrowbone Lane in the Liberties area of Dublin commencing a 230 year tradition of distilling for the Teeling family. From Walter Teeling to the latest generation of Teelings, Jack and Stephen, are carrying on the family’s legacy and forging a bright new future for distilling in Dublin and for Irish whiskey. The Teeling Whiskey Distillery is the first new distillery in Dublin in over 125 years and has brought the craft of distilling back into the very heart of Dublin city centre. Their new distillery is right back where they started in 1782 and only a stone’s throw away from where Walter Teeling’s old distillery was. Located in an ancient market square called Newmarket, an area long associated with brewing and distilling, the new distillery is a three copper pot still operation reviving the traditional style of Dublin whiskey distillation. The Teeling range of handcrafted Irish whiskeys gives your taste buds an exploratory journey of the full spectrum of flavours Irish whiskey has to offer. http://teelingwhiskey.com/
Time: 19.00
Venue: AVALON Hotel & Conferences (13. janvāra iela 19, Riga)
Ticket price will include guest speaker from Teeling – Mark Halvey, Regional Manager, and raffle ticket to win a bottle of small batch whiskey, and live music performed by ”Drums & Pipes”, and Irish Dance group ”CEILI Rue”.
Teeling Whiskey Dinner Menu
Poached mackerel and dill creme fraiche served with lemon confit and thyme crostini
Black pudding and cashel blue filo basket served with pickled Red cabbage – fennel salad and caramelized winter apples
Compliment from Chef – spinach – lime sorbet with fresh berries
Whiskey Teeling Small Batch tutored tasting
Main Course
Rack of Lamb (or Lamb shank) served with bubble and squeak, honey glazed carrots, buttered French beans and Cranberry – Juniper sauce
Whiskey Teeling Single Malt tutored tasting
Teeling whiskey pie
Īru mūzika: grupa ”Pipes & Drums”, īru deju studija CEILI Rue.
Individuāli – EUR 65/pers
Galda rezervācija (6 personas) – EUR 330
Sponsoru galda rezervācija (6 personas) – EUR 540
Plaucētas skumbrijas, diļļu un skābā krējuma riljetes,pasniegtas ar citronu konfitu un timiānā grauzdētiem krostini
Filo mīklas groziņi ar asins desas – siera pildījumu, pasniegti ar karamelizētiem āboliem, marinētiem sarkanajiem kāpostiem un fenheļa salātiem
Kompliments no šefa–
spinātu un laima sorbets ar svaigām ogām
Whiskey Teeling Small Batch degustācija ar skaidrojumiem
Siltais ēdiens
Cepts jēra grozs ar medū karamelizētiem burkāniem, sviesta pupiņām, sakņu dārzeņiem un dzērveņu – kadiķogu mērci
Whiskey Teeling Single Malt degustācija ar skaidrojumiem
Telling viskija pīrāgs ar viskija mērci