World Wide Cesis Days 2014

World Wide Cesis Days 2014

24/07/2014 @ 11:00
Cēsu pilsēta


09:00 – 13:30         Tasty activities at Cēsis market in cooperation with Priekuli Technical School students – for existing and future chefs, Uzvaras Bulvāris 24

10.00 – 14:00         Exhibition ‘Cēsis before Vendene’ in the Ancient jewellery forge

10:00 – 18:00         Exhibition ‘Citizens of Cēsis – Authors and Artists of Children’s Books’ at Cēsis Central Library, Raunas Str. 2

10:00 – 18:00         Exhibition ‘Cēsis Citizens around the World’, Cēsis Central Library, Raunas Str. 2

10:00 – 14:00         Photo Exhibition – Photographer Gunārs Janaitis and ancient jewellery, Rucka’s Exhibition Hall, Muižas Str.3

10:00 – 18:00        Photo Exhibition – Photographer Agnija Anča (Mexico), in various techniques. Raunas Str. 4

11:00 – 18:00         ‘Prieks darīt’ (LKLSSB Cēsis unit of Needlewomen) handicrafts exhibition and creative workshops, Rīgas Str. 21

12:30 – 13:30         Chef Māris Jansons – lecture ‘Taste of Modern Latvia’, Raunas Str. 4 (please sign up – or + 371 29431863)

13:00 – 16:00         Taste of History (Kristīne Gertnere – Celma, the youngest Historian of Cēsis History and Art Museum will tell and show the invisible world of the museum – what and how the museum stores, what historians are doing, how object of museum tells its story), Cēsis History and Art Museum open stock, Rigas Str. 23 (entrance 1 EUR)

14:00                    English tee traditions together with Liene Mo and Dace Mieriņa from England at the café ‘Kārumlāde’, Rīgas Str. 12

15:00 – 17:00           Open days at the bank ‘Citadele’. The opportunity for Latvians living abroad to get loans to open new businesses, to buy a property, about money transfers and consultations, Raunas Str. 13

16:00                    ‘Dance around the World’, dance program with bio-dance for children, Rīgas Str. 21

15:00 – 16:30         Chef Māris Jansons – Lecture ‘Taste of Modern Latvia’ and creation of desert ‘Dedication for Cēsis’ at the trade centre ‘Solo’ café (please sign up – or + 371 29431863), t/c ‘Solo’ cafe, J. Poruka Str. 21

16:30                    ‘Solo’ Wine Festival (tasting), t/c ‘Solo’ cafe (fees applies), J.Poruka Str. 21

17:30                    Cultural Society ‘Harmonija’ Literary-musical afternoon together with choir “Vidzeme”, in Vidzeme’s concert hall “Cesis”, Raunas Str. 12-1

19:00- 21:00             Musical evening at Rožu Square – Cēsis Primary School No. 1 students and brass band ‘Cēsis’ ” (in case of rain – RPIVA Cesis affiliat3, Liela Katrinas Str. 2)