Categories: About Latvia

Nordic-Baltic Irish Business Network Announcement

June 2nd 2021 The Irish Chambers of Commerce in Norway, Sweden, Latvia and the Irish Business Club in Finland, with support from the DFA and Enterprise Ireland Nordics, are happy to announce that a Pan-Nordic-Baltic Irish Business Network is currently in development. Representatives from each group will formally launch the network in Q4 2021 and […]

The Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia meets Irish Ambassador Mr. James Hennessey

Latviju un Īriju saista labas divpusējās attiecības, tostarp politiskā līmenī, un ir arī potenciāls ekonomiskās sadarbības veicināšanai. To Saeimas priekšsēdētāja Ināra Mūrniece uzsvēra, otrdien, 13.oktobrī, Saeimas namā tiekoties ar Īrijas Republikas ārkārtējo un pilnvaroto vēstnieku Latvijas Republikā Džeimsu Henesiju (James Hennessy), kurš parlamentā bija ieradies iepazīšanās vizītē.  Sarunā Saeimas priekšsēdētāja apliecināja Saeimas interesi stiprināt Latvijas […]

Accreditation of the Irish Ambassador Mr. James Hennessy Latviju un Īriju vieno stabilas un uzticamas tirdzniecības saites, turklāt Latvijas uzņēmēji ir ieinteresēti pieredzes apmaiņā ar Īrijas uzņēmējiem piensaimniecības sektorā. To otrdien, 13.oktobrī, Īrijas ārkārtējā un pilnvarotā vēstnieka Džeima Henesija (Mr James Hennessy) akreditācijā uzsvēra Valsts prezidents Raimonds Vējonis. Tikšanās laikā ar Īrijas vēstnieku Valsts prezidents izteica atzinību par Īrijas centieniem fiktīvo laulību […]

Government, cities and ports in Latvia

Government Latvia is a democratic, parliamentary republic. Legislative power is in the hands of the single chamber Saeima , which has 100 deputies. Parliamentary elections are held every 4 years. Latvia’s head of state, the President, is elected by the Saeima for a period of 4 years. The President signs laws, chooses the Prime Minister (who heads the […]

Population and Language in Latvia

Population Latvians are the indigenous people of Latvia, and the Finno-Ugric Livs (or Livonians) are the only indigenous minority. Latvia’s present ethnic mix is largely a result of massive post-war immigration, which resulted in a decline in the share of ethnic Latvians from 77% in 1935 to 52% in 1989. Population in 2012: 2, 041, 763 Urban: 68% […]

Republic of Latvia

Latvia in Brief Latvian: Latvija Lithuanian: Latvija Estonian: Lati German: Lettland French: Lettonie Spanish: Letonia Russian: Латвия Swedish: Lettland Chinese: 拉脫維亞 Japanese: ラトビア Arabic: لاتفيا COUNTRY CODE: LV CALLING CODE: +371 INTERNET TLD: .LV (.EU) TIME ZONE: EET (UTC+2) EEST (UTC+3) WEIGHTS AND MEASURES: Metric The Republic of Latvia was founded on November 18, 1918. […]

Geography and nature of Latvia

The Latvian region map Latvia is the central country of the Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and is located in North-eastern Europe on the east coast of the Baltic Sea. Its geographic coordinates are 57°00’N latitude and 25°00’E longitude. It consists of fertile lowland plains and moderate hills, with most of its territory less […]