Categories: Projects

Telebridge: Food Sector-Latvia and Ireland-Changing Trends

You are kindly invited to an online meeting among representatives of food sector in Latvia and Ireland, during which the parties of both countries will be able to learn about cooperation opportunities and choose the most suitable partners. Telebridge: Food Sector – Latvia and Ireland – Changing Trends will take place on Tuesday, June 28 […]

Telebridge: Fintech Opportunities – Latvia and Ireland

You are kindly invited to an online meeting among representatives of educational establishments in Latvia and Ireland, during which the parties of both countries will be able to learn about cooperation opportunities and choose the most suitable partners. Telebridge: FinTech Opportunities-Latvia and Ireland will take place on Monday, June 20 at 11.00 am (GMT+3) on […]

Telebridge: Trees and Our Future

You are kindly invited to an online discussion with Crann Trees for Ireland and Latvia State Forests Telebridge: Trees and Our Future will take place on Thursday, June 16 at 11.00 am (GMT+3) on Zoom platform. Irish representatives Marie Louise O`Donnell – Professor Emeritus DCU,  former Senator, Broadcaster, Writer, Honorary Consul of the Republic of […]

Telebridge: Educational Links: Ireland – Latvia

You are kindly invited to an online meeting among representatives of educational establishments in Latvia and Ireland, during which the parties of both countries will be able to learn about cooperation opportunities and choose the most suitable partners. Telebridge: Educational Links: Ireland – Latvia will take place on Tuesday, May 17 at 11.00 am (GMT+3) […]

Telebridge: The Changing Trends of Tourism

You are kindly invited to an online meeting among representatives of tourism industries in Latvia and Ireland, during which the parties of both countries will be able to visit specific businesses remotely, learn about cooperation opportunities and choose the most suitable partners. Telebridge: The Changing Trends of Tourism will take place on Thursday, May 12 at […]

Government of Ireland Emigrant Support Programme

The Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme

In particular the programme supports organisations that deliver frontline advisory services and community care to Irish emigrants, particularly to the more vulnerable and marginalised members of the Irish community abroad. The Irish Government Emigrant Support Programme is focused on supporting cultural, community and heritage projects that foster a vibrant sense of Irish community and identity. […]

Erasmus jaunajiem uzņēmējiem

Erasmus jaunajiem uzņēmējiem  KAS TAS IR? ”Erasmus jaunajiem uzņēmējiem” ir Eiropas Savienības finansēta apmaiņas programma uzņēmējiem. Tā sniedz iespēju strādāt kopā ar pieredzējušu uzņēmēju kādā citā Eiropas valstī, iegūstot un uzlabojot zināšanas, kas jums nepieciešamas, lai izveidotu savu uzņēmējdarbību. Jūsu uzturēšanās ārzemēs var ilgt no viena līdz sešiem mēnešiem.  KĀPĒC PIEDALĪTIES APMAIŅAS PROGRAMMĀ? Kā topošajam vai jaunajam uzņēmējam jums, iespējams, ir jāpieņem svarīgi lēmumi un ir vajadzīgs padoms. […]

EuroKEY Project