Joint Chamber September Business Breakfast

Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel Kuģu Street 24, Riga , Latvia

NOTE!!!  The change of the Venue. The Breakfast will take place at the Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel (Kuģu iela 24). The parking is free during the event. Dear members, partners […]

25EUR – 37EUR

Joint Chamber October Business Breakfast

Radisson Blu Daugava Hotel Kuģu Street 24, Riga , Latvia

You are cordially invited to the Joint Chamber October Business Breakfast - Panel Discussion on the Future Role of Ports in the Development of Latvia, organised by Irish, British and […]

25EUR – 37EUR

Business Breakfast on Investment and Tourism in Riga

Radisson Blu Elizabete Hotel Elizabetes iela 73, Riga, Latvia

You are kindly invited to the Joint Chamber Discussion "Future of Investment Opportunities and Tourism Development in Riga" which will be held on 18 May 2022, organised by Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce jointly with British Cahmber of Commerce in Latvia. TOPIC: During the event we will discuss what has been achieved and what is planned in […]

25EUR – 37EUR

Joint Chamber Business Breakfast with Mr Edvards Smiltēns, the Speaker of Saeima

Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel 1 Reimersa iela, Riga, Latvia

You are kindly invited to the Joint Chamber Business breakfast with H.E. Edvards Smiltēns, the Speaker of Saeima: on 2 December at Radisson Blu Rīdzene Hotel. The event is organised by Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce and British Chamber of Commerce in Latvia. “How fast and how smart Latvia will grow depends on our courage […]

30EUR – 45EUR

Breakfast – Discussion ”Riga Metropolis: Business Perspectives and Opportunities” LATVIEŠU VALODĀ

Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel 1 Reimersa iela, Riga, Latvia

Rīgas metropoles areāla attīstības prioritātes attiecībā pret uzņēmējdarbību Rīgas pilsētas morfoloģiskā robeža sniedzas pāri tās administratīvajām robežām – ir izveidojusies Rīgas urbānās attīstības zona, ko pirmkārt stimulē tieši uzņēmējdarbība. Tāpēc koordinēta Rīgas […]
