101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening

AVALON Hotel & Conferences 13. janvāra iela 19, Riga, Latvia

Join us for an evening of casual conversation & networking! We invite you to join us for the 101 CONTACTS Networking evening, hosted by the Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce. […]


ILCC Christmas Dinner

AVALON Hotel & Conferences 13. janvāra iela 19, Riga, Latvia

Dear members, friends, and partners, Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce is thrilled to be hosting the Annual ILCC Christmas Dinner 2023 This ILCC Christmas Dinner includes business leaders in the […]


Lietišķās brokastis ”Nodokļi – ilgtermiņa attīstība?”

Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel 1 Reimersa iela, Riga, Latvia

Īrijas Latvijas Tirdzniecības kamera un BDO Latvija aicina Latvijas uzņēmējus, investorus, NVO un visus interesentu piedalīties sarunās par nodokļiem brokastu formā par tēmu ''Nodokļi - ilgtermiņa attīstība?'' Datums – 26. […]

30€ – 45€


AVALON Hotel & Conferences 13. janvāra iela 19, Riga, Latvia

You are invited to join our monthly friendly and informal networking and discussion evening. Hosted by the Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce, this evening will bring together business people from […]


February 101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening

AVALON Hotel & Conferences 13. janvāra iela 19, Riga, Latvia

You are invited to join our monthly friendly and informal networking and discussion evening - February 101 CONTACTS. Networking evening. Hosted by the Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce, this evening […]
