Īru kultūras pēcpusdiena
Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, Latvia
You are welcome to the monthly 101 CONTACTS. Networking evening ''Irish Diaspora Abroad - USA''. This spring we are going to have evenings in the following countries: Australia, the USA, the UK, and Canada, inviting honorary consuls, people of Irish descent living in Latvia, and embassies to participate and tell about their homelands. The guest […]
On March 17, we are arranging a delicious St. Patrick`s Business breakfast, and we are happy to invite you. We'll serve our guests good food and share some good moments! All we request is your presence as we celebrate the day of March 17 with our members, friends, and partners. Please come and share in […]
Dear ILCC member, Please join us for our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday, March 28, at 18:30 (registration from 18:00) at Rīgas Brīvostas pārvalde, Kalpaka blv 12, Riga. Your presence at the meeting is very important. During the AGM, we will review ILCC's performance over the past year, set direction for the coming year Provisional […]
You are welcome to the monthly 101 CONTACTS. Networking evening ''Irish Diaspora Abroad - UK''. This spring we will have evenings in the following countries: Australia, the UK, and Canada, inviting honorary consuls, people of Irish descent living in Latvia, and embassies to participate and tell about their homelands. The March event is organized jointly […]