Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the American, British, Canadian, Danish, Finnish, Netherlands, Norwegian, Swiss, Swedish, and German Chambers of Commerce kindly invite you to the Joint chamber dinner with Prime Minister Māris Kučinskis. The event will take place on the 21st February, 18:00 (arrival from 17:00).
Year 2017 has been a year of active debates, compromises and tough decisions. Moreover, in 2018 we will face anticipated reforms in tax, healthcare and education systems.
Beginning the year of the Latvia’s centenary, Mr.Kucinskis will share his views on these reforms and their impact on the business and investment environment in Latvia as well as look in the future – the vision for Latvia and the national development priority directio
Please note that you may sign up until 4:00 pm on February 19. Cancellations will be accepted until then also. The Chamber reserves the right to bill those who signed up but did not attend.
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