Networking Breakfast ”Good Morning Ādaži!”

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Welcome to our January Business Breakfast ”Good Morning Ādaži!” with the guest speaker Mr Māris Sprindžuks, the chairman of Ādaži local government, in the city centre on January 23, 2019

We will have businesses from Ādaži which will represent themselves.

SIA Rubrig that makes rubber-safety coverings with backlash properties which are made of recycled SBR rubber and the new EPDM rubber tie-up on a polyurethane basis will present itself during the Breakfast. The company makes production with the help of exclusive, modern computer-controlled manufacturing equipment manufactured in Germany on the order of RUBRIG. The manufacturer uses university studies on continuous production testing, development and testing of innovative flooring systems. Our main product is rubber safety plates for sport, children’s playgrounds and other indoor and outdoor infrastructure facilities with a high risk factor for injury.
“RUBRIG” ražo gumijas drošības segumus ar prettrieciena īpašībām, kas tiek izgatavoti no otrreizēji pārstrādātas SBR gumijas un jaunā EPDM gumijas savienojuma uz poliuretāna bāzes. Uzņēmums veic ražošanu ar ekskluzīvu, modernu ar datoru kontrolētu ražošanas iekārtu palīdzību, kas izgatavotas Vācijā pēc RUBRIG pasūtījuma. Ražotājs izmanto universitātēs veiktus pētījumus par nepārtrauktu ražošanas testēšanu, attīstību un inovatīvu grīdas segumu sistēmu testēšanu. Mūsu galvenais produkts ir gumijas drošības plāksnes sportam, bērnu rotaļlaukumiem un citiem iekštelpu un ārā infrastruktūras objektiem ar augstu traumu rašanās riska faktoru.
During the Breakfast we will have a presentation about a company ROTONS – a Latvian company that makes large-scale plastic products using two types of technology:
1) rotating forming (used for the production of serial parts);
2) extruding welding (used for the manufacture of non-standard parts). SIA ROTONS performs individual orders and offers ready-made products – industrial pumping stations, flow meters and damper wells, thermal insulation and smaller size plastic products: tanks, pallets, barriers, flower pots, etc.
The company’s production unit is equipped with a rotating shaping machine for the production of polyethylene and polypropylene components, as well as a polyurethane foam dosing machine. Combining these technologies makes it possible to produce plastic products with unique thermal insulation properties.
Brokastu laikā uzņēmums SIA ROTONS, kas ražo lielgabarīta plastmasas izstrādājumus, izmantojot divu veidu tehnoloģijas:
1) rotējošā formēšana (tiek izmantota sērijveida detaļu ražošanai);
2) metināšana ar ekstrūderiem (tiek izmantota nestandarta detaļu izgatavošanai), iepasīstinās ar sevi .SIA ROTONS izpilda individuālus pasūtījumus un piedāvā jau gatavus izstrādājumus – rūpnieciski izgatavotas sūkņu stacijas, plūsmas mērītāju un aizbīdņu akas, individuālo ūdens skaitītāju pieslēguma akas ar siltumizolāciju un arī mazāka izmēra plastmasas izstrādājumus: tvertnes, paletes, barjeras, puķu podus u. c.Uzņēmuma ražotne ir aprīkota ar rotējošās formēšanas iekārtu polietilēna un polipropilēna detaļu ražošanai, kā arī ar poliuretāna putu dozēšanas iekārtu. Šo tehnoloģiju apvienošana dod iespēju ražot plastmasas izstrādājumus ar unikālām siltumizolācijas īpašībām.
The theme of this Season is ”Good Morning Latvian Cities !”. We welcome representatives of Latvian cities to come to Riga and inform about the opportunities there.

Networking Breakfasts are kindly supported by our Corporate Gold member ”Loze & Partners”.

Networking Breakfasts are a great way for active and prospective Chamber members alike to get together, shake some hands, talk about their business, and learn a little bit about the other businesses in the community and how you might be able and available to benefit each other.

We’ve structured our networking breakfast to give you the greatest chance of effective networking, meeting lots of like-minded business people and making smart connections for you and your company.

08.00 am – arrival, coffee and networking

08.00 am – 08.45 breakfast served and roundtable networking, we suggest swapping the tables to meet more people to promote your business

08.45 am – 09.15 am presentation

09.15 am – 09.45 am Q & A session

09.45 am – 11.00 am informal discussions, networking

11.00 am event closes

Thank you for your interest in the event. The registration is closed.  
January 23 2019


Date: 23 January, 2019
Time: 08:00 - 11:00
Cost: EUR20 – EUR35
Event Categories: , ,


Radisson Blu Ridzene Hotel

1 Reimersa iela
Riga, LV1050 Latvia

+ Google Map


+371 67 093 333

Visit Venue Website


  • 08.00 am – arrival, coffee and networking
  • 08.00 am – 08.45 breakfast served and roundtable networking, we suggest swapping the tables to meet more people to promote your business
  • 08.45 am – 09.15 am presentation
  • 09.15 am - 09.45 am Q and A session
  • 09.45 am - 11.00 am informal discussions, networking
  • 11.00 am event closes


Phone: +371 29113900
Website: Visit Organizer Website