Annual Chamber Christmas Party 2015
On the 15th December 2015 Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Rietumu Bank invited the members, partners and friends to the Annual Chamber Christmas Party at MERCURE Riga Centre Hotel.
H.E. Seamus Mac Aonghusa, Irish Ambassador in Latvia, welcomed each guest. This was his first meeting with members, friends and partners of ILCC.
The duet ‘’The Driven’’, playing the traditional Irish music, Elizabete Lace, playing on the Irish traditional harp and CEILI Rue, Irish dance studio, dancing the traditional Irish dances, joined us for our annual Holiday Celebration Concert.
The welcome drink was sponsored by Jameson. The tasty salad and wraps came from Pedro (NP Foods), little cakes and gingerbread came from Staburadze (NP Foods) and chocolates – from Laima (NP Foods). Bauskas Alus treated everybody to various types of beer and soft drinks. This was a great opportunity to celebrate the end of the year with your colleagues and guests.
We would like to express a special gratitude to the co-host – Rietumu Bank and raffle supporters– Grandeg, Mercure Riga Centre hotel, Abavas vīni, Jameson, restaurant ‘Niklavs’’, Latvia Tours, restaurant ‘’Piramida’’, Semarah Hotel Metropole, restaurant ‘’36 Linija’’, Paddy Whelan`s, Hotel Tallink Riga, DUNKER LATVIJA, ALTIA Latvia, D.A.R.Latvia, Siberian health and the photographer Julija Ziltuxin.
The donated money will be used for the purchase of toys ‘’Box of Bravery’’ for the Children Hospital, Cancer Dept.
Pictures from the evening are available on ILCC website and in the cloud available downloading before February 16, 2016