Categories: Ireland in Brief

Surnames in Ireland

If you took all the Gaelic Surnames out of Ireland – what would be left? A lot of names! Today we’re looking at Viking, Norman, Galloglass and Planter (English and […]



Ireland is an island on the north-western edge of Europe. It is 486 kilometres long and 275 kilometres wide. Ireland has 3,172 kilometres of coastline – the longest coastline per […]

Population and languages in Ireland

Population and languages in Ireland

Population 4.4 million, over 1.5 million live in Dublin. Ethnic Composition Official language The national language is Irish, or Gaelic. However, almost everyone speaks English as their main language and […]

Government, cities and ports in Ireland

Government, cities and ports in Ireland

Government The Irish Government Ireland is a parliamentary democracy.  The Head of the Government is the Taoiseach. The Tánaiste is the Deputy Prime Minister. There are 15 Government Departments.  The Taoiseach and the […]