Raimonds Vējonis Becomes President of Latvia
On July 8 the new President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis delivered his Presidential Oath of Office in the Latvian Parliament, thus officially taking office from his predecessor Andris Bērziņš. […]
On July 8 the new President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis delivered his Presidential Oath of Office in the Latvian Parliament, thus officially taking office from his predecessor Andris Bērziņš. […]
Šogad beidzas Valsts prezidenta Andra Bērziņa pilnvaras, un Latvija gatavojas Valsts prezidenta vēlēšanām, kas notiks 2015. gada jūnijā. Kas būs Latvijas prezidents? Uz tikšanos aicinājām Gunāru Kūtri, kurš ir otrais kandidāts, […]
Tikšanās ar Mārtiņu Bondaru Īrijā no 08.-10.05.2015 Tikai stipri reģioni veido stipru valsti! Lai cilvēkiem nebūtu jābrauc prom no savām tēva mājām, turpmākajos četros gados, ļoti būtiski būs likt […]
Latvian President Andris Bērziņš met on June 6 with Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny, expressing the hope that the bilateral partnership and political dialogue between Latvia and Ireland will continue […]
Saeima.lv The Parliament of Latvia (Saeima) adopted amendments to the Law on Enterprise Income Tax, thereby improving the legal framework for preventing bribery, in the second and final reading. Latvia […]