Annual Chamber Christmas Party 2015

On Tuesday, 15 December 2015 Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Rietumu Bank are pleased to invite you to the Annual Chamber Christmas Party at Mercure Riga Centre Hotel . The event is kindly supported by Mercure Riga Centre Hotel, NP Fooods, Bauskas alus, Jameson and Irish Dance studio CEILI RUE. Annual Chamber Christmas […]

Business Luncheon with Mr. Bergmanis, Minister of Defence

On the 10th December please be invited to the Business Luncheon with Mr. Raimonds Bergmanis, Minister of Defence of the Republic of Latvia. Date: 10.12. 2015 Time: 13.00 – 15.00 (registration and networking from 12.30) Venue: AVALON hotel ( 13.janvāra iela 19, Riga) EUR 35 – members EUR 50 – non-members Registration: by e-mail: […]

101 CONTACTS. Networking evening. Azerbaijan

On the 12th November at the restaurant ”Azerbaidžāna” the Networking evening 101 CONTACTS took place. The place was carefully chosen to experience the authenticy of the Azerbaijan in Latvia. Although the place is not in the centre of Riga, it gathered more than 30 representatives of companies working in various industries – eduation, tourism, logistics, […]

101 CONTACTS. Networking evening. Azerbaijan

Date: 12th November, 2015 Time: 19:30 (arrival from 19:00) Venue: Azerbaijani Restaurant  ‘’Azerbaidžāna’’ (16A Acones Street, Ulbroka) Topic of the evening:  Azerbaijan Offers Food: tasting of Azerbaijani cuisine Drinks: Shabat as a welcome drink, chai, cash bar Admission: 20 EUR Note: Register at or by 17:00 of 10th November, 2015 Languages: English, Latvian, […]

Networking Afternoon ”Water- a Taste of Innovation”

On the 22nd October Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce jointly with the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Latvia organised Afternoon networking ”Water – a Taste of Innovation”  that was kindly co-hosted by the Netherlands Embassy. The Networking gathered together specialists in the water industry – professors, contractors and employers as well as bottled water producers. […]

Networking evening Riga 500

On the 21st of October the first networking evening Riga 500 took place at the restaurant ”Kliversala” gathering more than 150 people.

101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening. Georgia

On the 15th of October the monthly 101 CONTACTS Networking evening took place. This time the topic of the evening was Georgia. We would like to express our gratitude to the host of the restaurant PIROSMANI, the Goergian embassy in Latvia and the Academy Vitality for the support of the evening. Special thanks to the dance […]

The Speaker of the Saeima of the Republic of Latvia meets Irish Ambassador Mr. James Hennessey

Latviju un Īriju saista labas divpusējās attiecības, tostarp politiskā līmenī, un ir arī potenciāls ekonomiskās sadarbības veicināšanai. To Saeimas priekšsēdētāja Ināra Mūrniece uzsvēra, otrdien, 13.oktobrī, Saeimas namā tiekoties ar Īrijas Republikas ārkārtējo un pilnvaroto vēstnieku Latvijas Republikā Džeimsu Henesiju (James Hennessy), kurš parlamentā bija ieradies iepazīšanās vizītē.  Sarunā Saeimas priekšsēdētāja apliecināja Saeimas interesi stiprināt Latvijas […]

Accreditation of the Irish Ambassador Mr. James Hennessy Latviju un Īriju vieno stabilas un uzticamas tirdzniecības saites, turklāt Latvijas uzņēmēji ir ieinteresēti pieredzes apmaiņā ar Īrijas uzņēmējiem piensaimniecības sektorā. To otrdien, 13.oktobrī, Īrijas ārkārtējā un pilnvarotā vēstnieka Džeima Henesija (Mr James Hennessy) akreditācijā uzsvēra Valsts prezidents Raimonds Vējonis. Tikšanās laikā ar Īrijas vēstnieku Valsts prezidents izteica atzinību par Īrijas centieniem fiktīvo laulību […]


On October 23 and 24 IT solutions fair RIGA COMM 2015 in Ķīpsala will look at Corporate management systems, cloud services, internet and digital marketing services, web and security solutions, mobile applications and other latest ICT solutions and services for business. How companies can spend less and earn more – the latest IT solutions in the exhibition […]

Seed Forum Riga Investor Conference

On the 15th Ocotber Seed Forum Riga Investor conference is a match-making event for financial investors (private investors and venture capital funds) and perspective growth companies from Latvia and neighboring countries, who have participated in Seed Forum Process, have been educated, trained and deemed suitable subsequent to a selection process by the Seed Forum Selection […]

101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening. Georgia

On the 15th October You are welcome to Discover the Spirit of Georgia at 101 CONTACTS. Topic of the evening:  Discover the spirit of Georgia Food: Khachapuri and other traditional Georgian dishes Drinks: Georgian wine as a welcome drink, cash bar Date: 15th October, 2015 Time: 19:00 Venue: Georgian Restaurant  ‘’PIROSMANI’’ (6 Maskavas Street, Spikeri) […]

Īrijas Latvijas Tirdzniecības kameras atskats uz Novadu dienām Īrijā 2015

ĪLTK uzsāk Novadu dienu ciklu Īrijā un apmeklē lielāko pārtikas nozares konferenci Dublinā Uzsākot Novadu dienu četrgades ciklu un pirmo pasākumu „Kurzemnieku dienās Īrijā 2015”, Īrijas Latvijas Tirdzniecības kamerai (ĪLTK) tas iesākās brokastojot Dublinā. Lai gan oficiālā atklāšana norisināsies tikai ceturtdien, 17. septembrī, ĪLTK pārstāvji aktīvi konsultējoties meklē dažādas sadarbības iespējas starp Īriju un Latviju. Brokastis […]

VID eksperti pozitīvā gaisotnē tiekas ar Īrijā dzīvojošajiem Latvijas tautiešiem

VID eksperti pozitīvā gaisotnē tiekas ar Īrijā dzīvojošajiem Latvijas tautiešiem Pagājušās nedēļas nogalē, laikā no 17. līdz 20. septembrim Īrijā, Karlovā (Carlow) un Tulovā (Tullow) norisinājās “Kurzemnieku dienas Īrijā 2015.” To ietvaros notika vairāki pasākumi, kuros Latvijas delegācijas ietvaros piedalījās arī Latvijas Valsts ieņēmumu dienesta (turpmāk – VID) pārstāvji – Marija Radzjušonoka, Nodokļu pārvaldes galvenā […]

Liepāja sāk ceļu pie liepājniekiem Īrijā

Liepāja sāk ceļu pie liepājniekiem Īrijā

Liepāja sāk ceļu pie liepājniekiem Īrijā Laika posmā no 16.–19. septembrim Īrijā notiks pasākums „Kurzemnieku dienas Īrijā”, kā mērķis ir veidot ciešākas attiecības starp Īrijā dzīvojošiem liepājniekiem un Liepāju. Liepāju šajā pasākumā pārstāvēs Liepājas domes ārējo sakaru koordinatore Nataļja Vecvagare.   Liepāja šajā pasākumā piedalīsies, lai izveidotu labus sakarus ar to pašvaldību vadītājiem, kuru pilsētās […]

Irish Night-Charity evening

On the 3rd of September, 2015, Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce hosted an Irish night – charity evening at the oldest Irish pub in Riga – Paddy Whelan`s. The buffet dinner prepared by the chef of Paddy Whelan`s was something to remember for a long time. The welcome drink was kindly sponsored by Jameson Latvia. […]

Loze & Partners, Attorneys at Law

LOZE & PARTNERS, Attorneys at Law Managing Partner: Janis Loze Firm profile: Loze & Partners has been successfully working with clients for more than twenty five years and has always been among leaders in the Latvian legal community. Expertise and high professionalism of Loze & Partners ensure providing high quality legal services in commercial law and […]

Riga 500 – Networking Evening

21st October, 2015 ”Riga 500” – the Biggest Networking Event ever in Latvia “How can Latvia become a more attractive marketplace” The link for signing up This evening is for everybody who is active in the Latvian marketplace and also interested to be part of a movement for a more positive and trustworthy environment. During this […]

RIGA FOOD 2015 – Food Fair in Riga

2–5 September, the 20th international food fair “Riga Food 2015” will take place at Kipsala International Exhibition Centre, Riga, Latvia. “Riga Food 2015” is the Baltics’ biggest food fair that offers an extensive food exhibition, programme of competitions, shows and events, and this year, the fair will bring together a record number of participating companies. […]

Joint Chamber Business Luncheon

27th August Joint Chamber Business Luncheon ”Immediate Tasks in Justice System Improvement in Latvia You are welcome to join us for the Joint chamber Business Luncheon hosted by Irish Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Latvia. Immediate Tasks in Justice System Improvement in Latvia Guest speaker Mr. Egils Levits, a Latvian lawyer, political […]

101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening. Uzbekistan

On the 19th August at Wellton Terrace Design Hotel we started the Autumn 2015 session of our monthly networking evenings. Latvia is the bridge between Ireland and East. This time the topic was Uzbekistan. The food that was served was the real Uzbek plov cooked on an open fire. The guests enjoyed the concert of […]

Irish Night at Paddy Whelan`s

On the 3rd September – Irish Night at Paddy Whelan`s. Charity evening to collect donation for the Irish dance studio CEILI RUE trip to Ireland in October, 2015 In the oldest Irish pub in Riga Paddy Whelan`s we are going to have an Irish night. The guest of honour H.E. Aidan Kirwan the Irish Ambassador will […]

Aija Jasuna Opens Her Exhibition ”Feelings…”

We are proud to announce that our member the artist Aija Jasuna opens her exhibition ”Feelings…”’at the Wellton Terrace Design hotel, Riga, Dzirnavu street 2. LOCATION: Wellton Terrace Design Hotel reception Address: 2 Dzirnavu Street, Riga ABOUT THE ARTIST Aija Jasuna has graduation the State Arts Academy, department of Interior and Design. She is a member […]

101 CONTACTS. Networking Evening. Uzbekistan

101 CONTACTS Networking evening on the 19th August at 19:00. This autumn the topic will be Latvia as a bridge between Ireland and East. This time Uzbekistan, a country in Central Asia. Our member Andris Urbans will cook the traditional uzbek plov on open fire on the terrace of the Wellton Terrace Design hotel. We will be […]

Raimonds Vējonis Becomes President of Latvia

  On July 8 the new President of Latvia Raimonds Vējonis delivered his Presidential Oath of Office in the Latvian Parliament, thus officially taking office from his predecessor Andris Bērziņš. “I swear that all of my work will be dedicated to the welfare of the people of Latvia. I will do everything in my power […]

Pēcpusdienas sarunu pauze ‘’ĪRIJA UN LATVIJA – TIK LĪDZĪGAS’’

22. jūlijā plkst. 16.00 Viesu nams ”Province” Cēsīs Pēcpusdienas sarunu pauze ‘’ĪRIJA UN LATVIJA – TIK LĪDZĪGAS’’. Esam aicinājuši Latvijas vēstnieku Īrijā G. Apala kungu piedalīties diskusijā. Vispasaules Cēsnieku dienu 2015 ietvaros, nu jau tradicionāli runāsim par Sadarbības palielināšanu starp Latviju un Īriju  kā veiksmīgu soli Latvijas ekonomikas izaugsmei. Neformālā diskusijā dalīsimies pieredzē par problēmām, […]

Latvijas uzņēmumu vizīte uz Īriju

Š.g. 16.-20. septembrī Īrijas Latvijas Tirdzniecības kamera sadarbībā ar Latvijas Valsts agrārās ekonomikas institūtu organizē Vizīti uz Īriju. Vizīti atbalsta Latvijas vēstniecība Īrijā. Vizītes mērķis sekmēt Latvijas produktu un pakalpojumu eksportu Īrijā Latvijas eksportēt gribošos uzņēmumi piedalīsies darba vizītē uz Īriju, lai izpētītu un apgūtu iespējas savu produktu eksportam uz Īriju. Vizītes dalībnieki piedalīsies Biznesa Forumā […]

Digital Marketing Strategies

On the 11th June Andrew Tobins, the founder and MD of T2 from Ireland presented Digital Marketing Strategies. The company visited Riga thanks to the trade mission organised by Enterprise Ireland. This was the 1st trade mission since the Irish Embassy was established in Latvia. There were 10 companies. T2 is Carlow based IT company. […]

Joint Chamber Panel Debate – Business Lucheon ”Latvia Selects next President”

On May 26 the American, Danish, Irish, Norwegian and Swedish Chambers of Commerce along with the public participation initiative gathered to discuss the election process of the President of Latvia. The purpose of this debate was to find out more about the past and the current election procedure in Latvia and discuss ways how […]